Sunday, October 16, 2011

Traditional rain water harvesting tecnique in nepal.

 An Introduction
At the present context, climate change and the adaptation techniques are being hot topic. Different adaptation techniques are also being performed as well. One of the most efficient methods of adaptation to climate change is rainwater harvesting technique.

From the ancient time till now we have powerful evidences of traditional system of rainwater harvesting in Nepal. This project mainly focused to those traditional rainwater harvesting ponds which have no religious or historical values. These types of ponds are mainly located near to the settlement areas which mean interaction between ponds and human life is very interrelated.
Nepal receives 80% of rainwater during the monsoon season from July to September. At the hilly areas, due to the high slope nature of hills rainwater have fast drainage system. To tackle this problem small village ponds are very effective and economic method.
As we know rainwater harvesting is not new for us. From ancient time, Nepalese people are very concern about this method and have long history of rainwater harvesting technique.

Although these practice are not so much scientific but it has been confirmed as very reliable method of rainwater harvesting. Small village ponds (which have no religious or historical value) contribute small amount of water resource but can perform important and efficient water supply to agriculture and livestock farming.  So, locals are directly and indirectly get benefits from these types of village ponds which are purely based on rainwater harvesting method by naturally.
Despite of clear benefits from these ponds, they are being depleted in present situation. The declining numbers are clear notification of depletion process and should be responded as soon as possible to conserve them. 

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